Featured on Voyage Denver/Daily Inspiration

February 3, 2022By moovmenthouse

Today we’d like to introduce you to Mary Lynn Lewark.

Hi Mary Lynn, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I love a good story, so it’s interesting that you ask me this question. I am  intrigued by the meanings of things, the metaphor and connections.  Since I often work with the children and in narratives, unearthing the  story is sort of the key to deeper meaning. Besides, who does not love a  good story? Pull up a book with a group of children or gather round a  table to listen to the old days it will bring a smile, a warmth, a truth and  energy to keep going. It is what is ancient in all of us. We have been  telling stories since our beginnings, making sense of ourselves.  

Perhaps that is my story, someone who is in search of truths that don’t  change and kindling a timeless magic that keeps moving us alive.  Click here for full article: VoyageDenver/MaryLynnLewark