Fairy Tale Frog
I met this frog on a path the other night by the lake where the geese are. But the geese weren’t there. I have never seen never seen a frog so big, more like a fairy tale frog. As you might imagine this creature was such a sighting, creating a stir in us and others walking by as if this was confirmation that magic still exists. We all walked on with this wow feeling & it helped me source what has been true in my heart lately. I guess sometimes I need proof too.
The NY times has a new article out saying actually it’s ok to need people, codependency therapy is actually toxic. “what we need to be doing is helping people see the power in our relationships.” I am so glad that has been cleared up. I guess somewhere along the line, at least in the USA, we got sold this idea that if you need someone you have a problem. What I have experienced in my touch in the world during these last few years, is how much we need each other. In our loneliest and darkest hour as a world, we connected through stories, images, moments, movement and community. Sure it was a virtual fire we gathered round, but it was there. We clung to the things humans cannot help but need and to be nourished by. Things are getting faster again, more independent. I feel it. Before we move on, I am collecting bits of truth, things that don’t change with humanity. We have an ancient need to gather, share and create together. It does not matter what year it is, this will always be true. We are meant to unload one’s story of suffering or hope, so as to lift the life of another. This helps us all go round. I think I have been writing this before in different ways for the last year, the words feel familiar. Do I need you to believe me or do I just need to believe myself. Maybe both. Maybe this frog was telling me to believe and take a leap. ok. I will. Look out, interesting things coming.
After three years, I am heading back to Tel Aviv to visit the land of ancient languages I so love. I will be dancing and taking it all in while I put the final touches on the 2022/2023 season at Moovment House.
Stay tuned.
with love & gratitude,
Mary Lynn