stillness is a movement

December 5, 2023By moovmenthouse

The other night I had a dream. I was dancing outside in the snow, the sky was pink and the moon was so large, it was almost touching the ground. There was speaking coming from somewhere on the radio and I noticed these birds flying in time with it.  I stood there, still, watching the synchronization. The birds would move with the breath of the words spoken, and then land in the quiet space between. Fly, land, fly, land.  This splendor was interrupted by two crazy coyotes chasing each other.  And then they began chasing me.  So I ran too.   At some point in the running, I realized if I stood still the chasing would stop.  And it did.  Slowly, slowly, in the stillness, the animals began pouring out of the forest, seemingly waiting for this kind of quiet.  

The next day and the days that have come to now, I have been wondering what the dream meant. Something I keep saying to myself is, stillness is a movement. What I know about deep learning is that we need time to be focused and time to rest. Many of you witnessed an example of this in our open/close hand gesture at our FALL Demonstration. There is time to be stretched out into the world focused and forward moving, and there is time to close in, gather resources, make connections and rest. The farmers know this too. It is a circular path, a rhythm inherent in being human. I think there is a song about this.  WAIT! There is a song! The band is the Byrds! Oh my goodness, maybe that was what my dream was telling me. Anyway, all of this is to say, it is ok to rest.