b&w + bone

b&w + bone

the pictures became acts of self-love & letting go,

she became the subject

so she could study what was inherently her.

What is her story…


a transformational process & rite of passage

in portraiture and movement

for groups and individuals

Shea Kluender and Mary Lynn Lewark co-created a process of self-discovery using photography and movement called b&w + bone. This expansive creative process provides the pathway for unearthing one’s own story. Moving our stories into art and into movement, we make them less personal, letting them go so we can make a story for all of us.

On May 22, 2021 we graduated our first class of b&w + bone with both a gallery of portraitures and moving performance. The work we shared became a rite of passage and celebration of stepping forward into our better selves and community.

you letting go becomes a gift to all of us