Earth to Bone
Earth to Bone Floor Class
they put their hands close to their feet, hearts moving like creatures & we could not remember a better moment than this kind of bliss
leaning into the earth, into bone we find ourselves moving effortlessly into space
A floor class for dance artists and any curious movers wishing to rediscover their innate desire to move from the ground into all movement with ease. Richly steeped in the lan Lev Method, learn to lean effortlessly into your bones so you can do anything you want to do better. This is class is designed with exploration, sequences, injury prevention and discovery of how you innately move. Open to all levels of movers, and anyone trying to re-pattern new ways to alleviate chronic pain, enhance ease and creating longevity for any athletic performance. Wonderful for beginners and inspiring for professionals. No experience required. 9-week series. More about Ilan Lev Method.