true story

January 26, 2023By moovmenthouse

joy is the best soothe

for old wounds & shadows

it is love 

in sweet disguise

A lot has been in my heart as I sip tea and wonder out into the ever so snowy Denver skies. I have been warmed these past weeks by all that have come through our door, shedding boots and the layers that winter sometimes brings.  I remind myself that no matter when you come or which way it will be, you will always be welcome and your timing is just right. 

Learning happens all at once. The shake is an essential practice of the Ilan Lev Method. It has a way of bringing fresh air and new life into the body. It is meant to move ourselves away from logic into a state of play. This is the same space as the wild land of story. It is the same space we wish to get to in meditation. It is the same space of timelessness and joy. It is a place you already know.  This is what brings smiles as we dive into the pool of ourselves.  The baby is the expert in this as she is met with everything everywhere and all at once. Our bodies and hearts are designed to be immersed.  Our curiosity and hunger for new things are our natural way of exploring, learning and being truly alive.   It is a rather adult thing to hunt for logic and break things into pieces and steps. The shake is a way of detail, integration and being whole.

I have spent my life studying somatics, dance, embodiment, transformation, human development and storytelling as art. My practices are carefully woven with an expansive research of human virtuosity.   As a dance artist, educator and mother, I found these to be essential not only to my art but for my life. 

At times in my classes and treatments, people shed tears. Ilan Lev says, tears clean the body of the dirt we accumulated in our life. These practices are friend to anything you want to do better no matter who you are. They are movement without effort, a conduit of joy.  They give you a better sense of you.  Nothing shines better in our world than you in your true story.   Come along with me, let’s swim!