life givings
I am wishing you well this morning, coffee in hand, rising early and noticing the signs that summer is here. I am well. I miss my mom of course, yet I am warmed by the growth of all of you. Along with the bustle of the studio, I am spending time with my family and my dad. My father is a little lost without his soulmate, my mother. Yet, he tells stories about her and laughs. He smiles about the wonderful life he has had.
Meanwhile, May moves us on. The month has brought the scatteredness that prepares us for the wild uncertainty of summer, and to just go with it. Lean into it. Inside the studio the feeling of the young dancers is, “I am ready to tumble outside and venture into these longer days.” There is not much anyone can do about this innate feeling of summer we all have.
At Moovment House, we follow the time of the earth, the sun and the moon which move in circles. We are much more like farmers. We are pretty invested in growth, the growth of humans and not just in an annual way but truly perennial. We are regenerative. We understand the importance of relationships, time, creation and movement, with intention on the circular path we can make together year after year.
It is life giving.
Lately I have been giving many Ilan Lev treatments and having conversations about the work itself and how it fits into the life of Moovment House. The body also moves in circles. This delights me to find these patterns in humans to be the same as the earth, sun and moon. No matter who the person is, what language they speak, what they believe in or need to do, the bones inside of all of us innately move in circles. This is what connects us. This is what creates ease and reciprocity. Every person inherently understands this, especially if they lean into it. The method simply encourages the body to remember its natural sense to move and be happy. It is life giving.
The world has gotten itself in quite a hurry. It does that. Technology moves faster than humans, yet the earth still moves in her time. Your bones do too. People cannot grow any faster than they do. Childhood is still about eighteen to twenty-one years. Seasons move into each other year after year. Grief moves in waves. The sound of laughter falls in circles.
So let’s breathe in and out.
Enjoy together what has grown this past year at Moovment House.
Let’s celebrate time gone round before we all venture into summer.
with love & gratitude,
Mary Lynn